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Safes with this Lock:

  1. Mesa MRX1000E Pharmacy Safe
  2. Mesa MRX2000E Pharmacy Safe
  3. Mesa MRX3000E Pharmacy Safe




  • To ensure the safety of your belongings, you MUST change the factory set code to your own unique code immediately!



Two Code Capacity

  • User Code: Can open lock. User Default Code is factory set
  • Manager Code: Can open lock, set lock functions, & manage User. Manufacturer Default Code is factory set
    Please see your user manual for the factory set Codes or contact our Support.


Always perform this operation with the door open

  • Before closing the door, make sure all the changes are correct.


Open Lock

  • Enter: Manager or User code
    Please see your user manual for the factory set Codes or contact Tech Support.
  • Lock will open

Change Manager Code

  • Enter: 0-0-0-0-0-0
    Two Beeps sound, which indicates the entry is valid & the system is waiting for code changing
  • Enter: [Existing] Manager Code [Factory set Default Manager Code: x - x - x - x - x - x]
    Two Beeps sound, which indicates the entry is valid
    Please see your user manual for the factory set Codes or contact our Support.
  • Enter: New Code [6-digits]
    One Beep sounds, which indicates the entry is accepted
  • Re-Enter: New Code [6-digits]
    One Beep sounds, which indicates the codes entered in previous steps are the same & the code changing process is succcessful
  • Record the new Manager Code for safe keeping.



  • Verify the new manager code at least 3 times before closing the door to make sure the code is correct.

Change User Code

  • Enter: 0-0-0-0-0-0
    Two Beeps sound, which indicates the entry is valid & the system is waiting for code changing
  • Enter: [Existing] User Code [Factory set Default User Code: x - x - x - x - x - x]
    Two Beeps sound, which indicates the entry is valid
    Please see your user manual for the factory set Codes or contact Tech Support.
  • Enter: New User Code [6-digits]
    One Beep sounds, which indicates the entry is accepted
  • Re-Enter: New User Code [6-digits]
    One Beep sounds, which indicates the codes entered in previous steps are the same & the code changing process is succcessful


  • Verify the new user code at least 3 times before closing the door to make sure the code is correct.




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