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Here you can find Barska Safes, Depository type in Standard & Large variant. Biometric and Digital lock options are available. For additional protection Anti-Fishing Baffle and and jagged edge teeth on the door drop slot are installed and you also have back up keys included. For more details please read product description.
To see all Barska products, please click " Barska All"
Barska AX13312 Depository Safe | Two Lock Depository with Digital Keypad | 1.6/2 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska AX11932 Depository Safe | Standard Depository with Digital Keypad | 0.72 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska AX11930 Depository Safe | Large Depository with Digital Keypad | 1.10 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska DX-200 Depository Safe AX12588 | Standard Depository with Digital Keypad | 1.03 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska DX-300 Depository Safe AX12590 | Large Depository with Digital Keypad | 1.72 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska AX13108 Depository Safe | Biometric Keypad | 0.72 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska AX13316/AX13522 Depository Safe | Large Two Lock Depository with Digital Keypad | Drop Door/Rotary Hopper with 2.58/4.68 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska AX13314 Depository Safe | Slot Depository with Digital Keypad | 1.12 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska AX13310 Depository Safe | Large Locker with Digital Keypad | 0.72/0.78 Cubic Feet Locker
Barska AX13308 Depository Safe | Standard Rotary Hopper with Digital Keypad | 1.15 Cubic Feet Locker
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