Safes with this Lock:
- MH101E Hotel Safe
- MHRC916E Hotel Safe

- To ensure the safety of your belongings, you MUST change the factory set Override Code to your own unique code immediately!
Card Swipe
- Accepts almost any card with a magnetic strip
[i.e., driver's license, credit card, club card, etc.]
- Operate safe using the keypad or the card swipe
Hotel Function
- This style locking system mananges itself
Lock-Out Mode
- If 4 incorrect codes are entered in a row, the Lock-out Mode will trigger for a period of 15 minutes.
Override Functions
- Allows you to access the safe using an Override Card or the Override Key
LCD Display
- Large, easy to read display
- Set Date & Time
Viewing Log
- Allows you to view how the safe was accessed by which code, method [card, code, override code, etc.] & what time it was opened

This safe comes from the factory unlocked
Opening Your Safe
Using a Personal Code
- To unlock the safe : Input your 3-6 digit code;
[[OPENED]] will display & safe will unlock
- To lock the safe : Input your 3-6 digit code then Input: #;
[[CLOSED]] will display & the safe will lock
- This is a hotel room configuration lock. User sets new code every time the safe is used
[The code you use to unlock the safe is the code you use to lock the safe. Once the safe is in the unlocked position, the safe will reset itself ready for any code]
- Use * to delete numbers that appear on the display. If * is entered before your code, a [[-]] will display rather than the number, as a security feature
Using a Credit Card [Any card with a magnetic strip]
- To unlock the safe : Slide your card firmly from right to left with the magnetic strip down;
[[OPENED]] will display & the safe will unlock
- To lock the safe : Slide your card firmly from right to left with the magnetic strip down;
[[CLOSED]] will display & the safe will lock
- This is a hotel room configuration lock. User sets new card every time the safe is used
[The card you use to unlock the safe is the card you use to lock the safe. Once the safe is in the unlocked position, the safe will reset itself ready for any card]
- Swipe your card firmly & evenly from right to left. If an incorrect direction or swiping speed too fast or too slow, [[ERROR]] or [[AGAIN]] will display. You will need to swipe your card again. The card to unlock the safe should be the same card to lock the safe. If not, [[E-CARD]] (error card) will display.
Lock-Out Penalty
- When the safe is in the locked position [[E-Code]] or [[E-Card]] will display after an invalid entry
- If an incorrect code or card is used 4 consecutive times & [[E-Code]] or [[E-Card]] displays after every incorrect entry, the safe will go into a lock-out period of 15 minutes. During this period, when pressing any button on the keypad, [[HOLD##]] will display. The ## represents the time that is remaining in the lock-out period.
Using the Override Functions
- If [[E-Code]], [[E-Card]] or [[ERROR]] displays after entering your code or swiping your card to unlock the safe, you will need to use the Override Code, Override Card or Override Key.
- If [[E-BAR]] displays, you will need to use the Override Key
Using the Override Code
- Input: #-#; [[SUPER]] will display
[Do NOT pause between #-# entries]
- Input: Override Code; the safe will unlock
- The default Override Code is factory set : [factory set Override Code : x - x - x - x - x - x]
Please see your user manual for the factory set Override Code or contact Tech Support.
- To ensure the safety of your belongings, you MUST change the factory set Override Code to your own unique code immediately!
Using the Override Card
- Swipe the Override Card; the safe will unlock
[See Changing the Override Card to set your card]

Using the Override Key
The Override Key will only work when safe is in locked position
- Locate the small round cap [on MH101E model] or the gold oval emblem [on MHRC916E model], just below the right side of the keypad
- Using the allen wrench [included with MHRC916E model], remove the cover
[for the MH101E model, simply remove the cap with your fingertips.
- Insert the Override Key & turn clockwise, a ¼ turn & open the door
- To remove the key, turn the key coutner-clockwise, a ¼ turn, back to the inserted position
- NEVER store the Override Keys inside the safe!
Changing the Override
Changing the Override Code
The safe must be in the unlocked postion.
- Input: *-*;
[[PROG]] will display
- Input : 8-4-2-6-2-7-#;
[[OLD]] will display
- Input : Override Code-#;
[[NEW]] will display
- The default Override Code is factory set : [factory set Override Code : x - x - x - x - x - x]
Please see your user manual for the factory set Override Code or contact Tech Support.
- Input: a 6-digit New Code-#;
[[AGAIN]] will display
- Re-Input: New Code-#;
- [[GOOD]] will display.
The Override Code has been successfully changed.
Changing the Override Card
The safe must be in the unlocked postion.
- Input: *-*;
[[PROG]] will display
- Input: 7-2-6-2-4-8-#;
[[CARD]] will display
- Swipe the card you wish to set as the new Override Card;
[[GOOD]] will display
- The Override Card has been successfully changed.
Changing the Lock Settings
The safe must be in the unlocked postion.
- Input: *-*;
[[PROG]] will display
- Input: 7-1-1-4-6-9-#;
[[CODE]] will display followed by a 6 digit number
- The 1st 6 digit number is now displayed & Slot #1 will be 'Blinking'
[for Slots, refer to image]
- The default setting is: 1-1-1-1-2-1
- To advanced to the next Slot without making changes to the current Slot, input the number displayed in the current Slot.
- Input: # if you do not want to make any changes to the 1st 6 digit number & would like to move on to the 2nd 6 digit number
- Input: * if you would like to start over & go back to Slot #1

The 1st Set of Lock Settings
Slot #1: Entry Display
This is a security feature
- Input: 0 to disable Entry Display.
The numbers entered will not display
- Input: 1 to activate Entry Display.
The numbers entered will display
- When Entry Display is activated, Input : * before entering the code & the numbers entered will not display for added security
Slot #2: Code Display
This is a security feature
- Input: 0 to disable Code Display.
The code entered will not be displayed after the safe is locked
- Input: 1 to activate Code Display.
The code entered will be displayed for 2 seconds after the safe is locked
Slot #3: Hide Button
- When Entry Display is activated:
Input: * before entering the code & the numbers entered will not display
- Input: 0 to disable Hide Button function
- Input: 1 to activate Hide Button function
Slot #4: Audit Function
- Input: 0 to disable Audit Function function
- Input: 1 to activate Audit Function function
Slot #5: Locking Function
- Input: 1 to place the lock into Standard Lock Mode
If Standard Lock Mode is selected:
- The 1st code/card you use to lock the safe will be the set code/card
- Once the code/card is set, you only need to Input: # to lock the safe
- You will need to input your set code/card to unlock the safe
- To change your set code/card, you will need to go back into the Lock Settings
[see : Changing the Lock Settings]
- Place the lock function into Hotel Lock Mode
- Go back into the Lock Settings
- Place the lock into Standard Lock Mode
- Input : 2 to place the lock into Hotel Lock Mode
[This is the default mode]
Slot #6: Unused Slot
- Input: 1 if not already entered. This slot does not disable or activate any functions
Input: # to confirm the 1st set of Lock Settings & move forward to the 2nd set of Lock Settings
- If you do not want to make any changes to the 2nd set of Lock Settings:
Input: # again.
The 2nd Set of Lock Settings
- The 2nd 6 digit number is now displayed & Slot #1 is 'Blinking'
[Default Setting : 4-7-1-5-4-0]
Slot #1: Invalid Entry
- Input a number from 1-9 digits to set the number of times allowed for entering an invalid code or card before placing the lock into Lock-Out Penalty
Slot #2: Code Length
- Input: 3 to set the code length to a 3 digit code
- Input: 4 to set the code length to a 4 digit code
- Input: 5 to set the code length to a 5 digit code
- Input: 6 to set the code length to a 6 digit code
- Input: 7 to set the code length to a 7 digit code
Slot #3 & #4: Lock-Out Period
- Input a number 00-99 to set the length of the Lock-Out Penalty
Example: For 5 minutes, Input: 0 in Slot #3 & 5 in Slot #4
Slot #5: Override Function [Code & Card]
- Input: 0 to disable the Override Function
- Input: 1 to use the Override Code entry only;
disables the Override Card
- Input: 2 to use the Override Card entry only;
disables the Override Code
- Input: 3 to use the Override Card & Card together.
Input the Override Code then swipe the Override Card
- Input: 4 to use either the Override Code or the Override Card;
Slot #6: Unused Slot
- Input: 0 if not already entered. This slot does not disable or activate any functions
Input: # to confirm the 2nd set of Lock Settings & [[GOOD]] will display

Setting the Date & Time
- You will only need to set the date & time to use the Lock Opening Records function. The safe must be in the unlocked position
- Input: *-*
[[PROG]] will display
- Input: 0-55-2-6-1-#
[[DATE]] will display
- The 6 digit number represents the Year - Month - Day
Example : December 1, 2015 = 151201
Slot #1 & #2: Year
Slot #3 & #4: Month
Slot #5 & #6: Day
- Enter the Day: 01
- Input: # to confirm the date setting & move onto the clock
- The 6 digit number represents the Hour - Minute - Second
- When adjusting the hour,you will need to use military time [24-Hour rotation]
Example : 7:25:59am = 072559

Slot #1 & #2: Hour
Slot #3 & #4: Minutes
Slot #5 & #6: Seconds
- Enter the Seconds: 59
- Input: # to confirm the clock setting
[[GOOD]] will display

View Lock Opening Records
The safe must be in the unlocked postion.
- Input: *-*;
[[PROG]] will display
- Input: 1-6-2-5-5-0-#;
[[GOOD]] will display, followed by a 6 digit number
One opening record uses two screens:
- The 1st screen displays the date that the safe was opened.
- The 2nd screen displays the time & method used to open the safe.
[Method: user code, card, override code, etc.]
Method Reference [What Opened the Safe?]
User Code: 1 is displayed
Override Code: 2 is displayed
User Card: 5 is displayed
Override Card: 6 is displayed
Example Safe was opened at 3:30:00pm by the Override Code = 153002
- Navigating through the Open Records
- Press 2 to go back to the previous record
- Press 8 to go forward to the next record
- Press 6 to show the next screen of a specific record
- Press 4 to show the previous screen of a specific record
- Press 5 to go to the lastest Lock-Opening record
- Input: *
[[GOOD]] will display & the Lock-Opening Records will close
The Anchor Kit
To maximize the security of your safe, we recommend using the anchor kit [provided] to bolt down your safe. The safe can be anchored to a wall, floor, etc., or a Mesa Model MP-Pedestal
[click here to see Hotel Pedestals]
- Choose a suitable & convenient located for your safe. Set the safe in place & locate the anchor holes provided on the safe to mark the area to be drilled on the wall, floor, desk, etc.
- If bolting your safe to a wall, please ensure that the safe is resting on a supporting surface; i.e., floor, table, shelf.
- After marking the drill spots, move the afe aside and drill holes of the approprate diameter & depth for the type of hardware being used & the mounting surface
- Place safe back, aligning the anchor holes over the holes drilled, & install the fasteners as required.
- If bolting down your safe from the bottom, be sure to remove the feet pads.

Changing the Batteries
- With the door open, remove the battery compartment cover by pulling down the clip to release it.
[Located on the inside of the door]
- Install 4AA alkaline batteries [not included], note the polarity markings (-/+) in the battery compartment to ensure proper installation
- Re-attach the battery compartment cover back into place
- Do not use rechargeable batteries, mix alkaline with non-alkaline batteries, or mix old & new batteries.
Issue: The batteries are low
Solution: Change your batteries
Issue: The door is not closed properly / The bolts are not locking
Solution: Override Keys must be used to unlock & re-lock safe, then remove keys & try code.
Issue: 4 repeated incorrect user attempts. Lock-Out Penalty was initiated.
Solution: Wait 15 minutes then input correct user code/card
Issue: Incorrect card use/not swiping the same card originally used to open safe
Solution: Swipe original card used to open safe
Issue: Incorrect user code entry
Solution: Verify user code & re-enter
[[ERROR]] or [[AGAIN]]
Issue: Card was swiped incorrectly from left to right / Card was swiped too fast or too slow
Solution: Evenly re-swipe card from left to right
To view Battery Levels, Input: # when safe is in locked position.
Important Information on Safe Usage
- Hold on to your Proof of Purchase [receipt/invoice]. You will need this to order keys or use the Warranty Service.
- Do not open your safe if it is lying on its side, back or top. ONLY open your safe when it is in the upright position
- Do not slam the door. Extreme shock can damage the lock or jam the bolt work system
- Do not shut the door with the locking bolts in the locked position. This may damage the locking bolts & create problems unlocking & locking the safe
- Do not overstuff contents of the safe so that the door must be forced shut. Bolt work may jam as a result.
- Keep liquids away from keypad. Liquids can damage the keypad.
- The safe door is removable. The remove door, unlock the safe, open the door & lift the door up. Do not lose the hinge pins - they may slide out of the hinge when removing the door. If they happen to slide out, you can easily insert them back into the hinge.