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Is a Home Safe helpful in times of global economic crisis?

Traditionally, precious metals (gold and silver), currencies (US dollar and Swiss franc), and US Treasuries (T-bill and T-bond) are regarded as safe havens during times of crises. Safes are the best places to store your money if you will need to access it quickly. You will avoid waitting time in banks, queue, and worst case scenario when bank might not have available fonds to pay you back in cash (Might happen depending on level of inflation)
During the times of recesion the percentage of roberies increases. You need to protect valuables that you keep in the house. Hiding it is not enough. Do you think it would be safe enough hiding the valuables and leaving the house for the weekend? The answer is "No". You need a special lock box
The good news is that now days different kind of home safes are available on the market. For a good price you can find wall safes, floor safes, commercial safes, safe for papers, fireproof safes, car safe or a gun safe.
First rule about recession - make smart investment
Second rule about receission - make sure you keep protected what you own.



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