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Are Fireproof Safes Really Fireproof?

A fireproof safe is basically a storage unit that’s made in a way to minimise the amount of heat transferred from the outside to the inside, should a fire break out.

An average of one fire department responds to a fire report in the United States each 63 seconds. This equates to one fire response every 23 seconds throughout your day. In the United States alone, there are approximately 750,000 structures that have a fire hazard or contents that need to be safeguarded from damage. This is a whole lot of fires and fire risk so let's take an in-depth look at what these numbers mean for you.

Do you have in your house any of the bellow valuables ?

- Passports and birth certificates for all family members.
- Insurance policies for life insurance, vehicles, and home.
- Safety deposit box information including keys.
- Investment papers like stocks, bond, bank accounts, retirement funds, etc.Social security cards.
- Any personal wills and wills for members of your family. This includes power of attorney documents and healthcare documents

- Anything else you consider valuable and can burn out?

If your answer is yes, you definitively need to think of the way to protect it from fire hazard.

The proven solution is a fireproof safe. In a fire exterior walls of the safe start to heat up. It transfers to the next layer in the safe made of specific chemicals and poured between the interior and exterior walls of the fire safe. That special layer creates chemical reaction at above 80° C (180° F) The bonds that hold the water, chemically attached in the gypsum, start releasing their bonds that hold them together. It’s a chemical reaction happening, which changes the structure of the molecules themselves.

For this reaction to happen there needs to be a lot of energy (heat):

Chemically, it looks like this:

CaSO4.2H2O(s) → CaSO4.½H2O(s) + 3/2H2O(g) result would be calcium sulfate di-hydrate (CASO4 ½H2O)

next step:  CaSO4.½H2O(s) → CaSO4(s) + 1/2H2O(g)

During this special reaction  steam is being created and once reaction is over, there is no more steam.

The reaction itself captures the heat and protects valuables. The steam which is a consequence of the process cerates positive pressure inside the safe walls, preventing smoke from entering the safe body.

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